We offer insect pheromones and attractants for over 100 insect species
Code | Scientific name | Common name | Suggested trap |
AdOran | Adoxophyes orana | Summerfruit tortrix | Delta |
AgLine | Agriotes lineatus | Lined click beetle | Pitfall |
AgLiti | Agriotes litigiosus | Pitfall | |
AgObsc | Agriotes obscurus | Dusky wireworm | Pitfall |
AgRufi | Agriotes rufipalpis | Pitfall | |
AgSord | Agriotes sordidus | Pitfall | |
AgSput | Agriotes sputator | Common click beetle | Pitfall |
AgUstu | Agriotes ustulatus | Pitfall | |
AgrExc | Agrotis exclamationis | Heart and dart moth | Delta, |
AgrIps | Agrotis ipsilon | Black cutworm | Delta, Funnel |
AgrSeg | Agrotis segetum | Turnip moth | Delta, Funnel |
AnaLin | Anarsia lineatella | Peach twig borer | Delta |
AntGra | Anthonomous grandis | Cotton boll weevil | AntGra Trap |
AonAur | Aonidiella aurantii | California red scale | Delta |
ArcPod | Archips (Cacoecia) podana | Fruittree tortrix | Delta |
ArcRos | Archips (Cacoecia) rosana | Rose tortrix moth | Delta |
ArcXyl | Archips (Cacoecia) xylosteana | Brown oak tortrix | Delta |
AutGam | Autographa gamma | Silver Y | Delta, Funnel |
BacOle | Bactrocera oleae | Olive fly | Board, McPhail, Smart trap |
BatAmy | Batrachedra amydraula | Lesser date moth | Delta |
BlatGer | Blattella germanica | German cockroach | |
CacPro | Cacoecimorpha pronubrana | European carnation tortrix | Delta |
CamOhr | Cameraria ochridella | Horse-chestnut leaf miner | Delta |
ChiSac | Chilo sacchariphagus | Sugarcane borer | Delta |
ChryCa | Chrysodeixis chalcites | Tomato Looper | Delta, Funnel |
Sordilure | Cosmopolites sordidus | Black Banana Beetle | Pitfall |
ConCra | Conopomorpha cramerella | Cocoa pod borer | Delta |
CosCos | Cossus cossus | Goat moth | Funnel |
CUE | Bactrocera spp. | (PARAPHEROMONE) | McPhail, Smart trap |
CydPom | Cydia pomonella | Codling moth | Delta |
CydPyr | Cydia pyrivora | Pear moth | Delta |
CydSpl | Cydia (Laseypersia) splendana | Chestnut tortrix | Delta |
CylFor | Cylas formicarius elegantus | Pitfall | |
DiaVir | Diabrotica virgifera virgifera | Western corn rootworm | Diavir trap |
DiaHya | Diaphania hyalinata | Melonworm | Funnel |
DroSuz | Drosophila suzuki | Spotted vinegar fly | McPhail, Smart trap |
EctCer | Ectomyelois ceratoniae | Carob moth | Delta |
EmTrab | Emmelia trabealis | Spotted sulphur | Delta, Funnel |
EphCau | Ephestia cautella | Delta | |
Ephkue | Ephestia kuehniella | Mediterranean flour moth | Delta |
EupAmb | Eupoecilia ambiguella | European grape berry moth | Delta |
GalloGEL | Monochamus galloprovencialis | Pine sawyer | Thyshon, Multifunnel |
GorXan | Gortyna (Hydroecia) xanthenes | Artichoke moth | Funnel |
GraFun | Grapholita (Cydia) funebrana | Plum fruit moth | Delta |
GraJan | Grapholita janthinana | Hawthorn leafroller | Delta |
GraLob | Grapholita lobarzewskii | Small fruit tortrix | Delta |
GraMol | Grapholita molesta | Oriental fruit moth | Delta |
HelArm | Helicoverpa armigera | Cotton bollworm | Funnel |
HelMar | Helicoverpa (Heliothis) maritima | Shoulder-striped clover | Funnel |
HelZea | Helicoverpa (Heliothis) zea | Corn earworm | Funnel |
KeiLyc | Keiferia lycopersicella | Tomato pinworm | Delta |
LasSer | Lasioderma serricorne | Cigarette beetle | |
LoBot | Lobesia botrana | European grapevine moth | Delta |
MacCon | Macdounnounghia confusa | Delta | |
MamBra | Mamestra brassicae | Cabbage moth | Delta, Funnel |
MamOle | Mamestra oleracea | Bright-line brown-eye moth | Delta, Funnel |
MEG | Bactrocera spp. | (PARAPHEROMONE) | |
MytUni | Mythimna unipuncta | Armyworm | Funnel |
Νοvatuta® | Tuta Absoluta | Tomato leafminer | Delta |
OstNuE | Ostrinia nubilalisEZ strain | European corn borer | Delta, Funnel |
OstNuZ | Ostrinia nubilalis Z strain | European corn borer | Delta, Funnel |
OpoSac | Opogona sacharii | Banana moth | Delta |
OryLURE | Oryctes rhinoceros | Rhinoceros beetle | Bucket |
RhinoGEL | Oryctes rhinoceros | Rhinoceros beetle | Bucket |
PalUni | Palpita unionalis | Jasmine moth | Delta, Funnel |
PamFas | Pammene fasciana | Chestnut leafroller | Delta |
PanHep | Pandemis heparana | Dark oblique-barred twist | Delta |
PecGos | Pectinophora gossypiella | Pink bollworm | Delta, Funnel |
PhyBra | Phyllonorycter blancardella | Spotted tentiform leafminer | Delta |
PlaCit | Planococcus citri | Citrus mealybug | Delta |
PlaFic | Planococcus ficus | Vine mealybug | Delta |
PsePen | Pseudalacaspis pentagona | ||
PseCom | Pseudococcus comstockii | ||
PloInt | Plodia interpunctella | Indian meal moth | Delta |
PluXyl | Plutella xylostella | Diamondback moth | Delta, Funnel |
PraCit | Prays citri | Citrus blossum moth | Delta |
PraOLe | Prays oleae | Olive moth | Delta |
ProTru | Prostephanus truncatus | Larger grain borer | |
QuaPer | Quadraspidiotus perniciosus | San Jose scale | |
RhynchoGEL | Rhynchophorus ferruginieus | Red Palm Weevil | Pitfall |
RhynchoLURE | Rhynchophorus ferruginieus | Red Palm Weevil | Pitfall |
RhyDom | Rhyzopertha dominica | Lesser grain borer | |
SahlSin | Sahlbergella singularis | Cocoa myrid Board | |
ScoAmy | Scolytus amygdali | Shot-hole bark beetle | Board |
SeiExc | Seirpophaga excerptalis | Sugarcane top borer | Delta |
SesNon | Sesamia nonagrioides | Corn stalk borer | Funnel |
SitCer | Sitotroga cerealella | Angoumois Grain Moth | Delta |
SitGra | Sitophilus granarius | Wheat weevil | |
SitOry | Sitophilus oryzae | Rice weevil | |
SordiLURE | Cosmopolites sordidus | Black banana weevil | Pitfall |
CosmoGEL | Cosmopolites sordidus | Black banana weevil | Pitfall |
SpaPil | Sparganothis pilleriana | Leaf-rolling tortrix | Delta |
SpiOce | Spilonota ocellana | Eye-spotted budmoth | Delta |
SpoExi | Spodoptera exigua | Beet armyworm | Delta, Funnel |
SpoFru | Spodoptera frugiperda | Fall armyworm | Delta, Funnel |
SpoLit | Spodoptera littoralis | Egyptian cotton leafworm | Delta, Funnel |
SynaMy | Synanthedon myopaeformis | Apple clearwing | Delta |
ThaLeu | Thaumatotibia leycotreta | False codling moth | Delta |
ThauPi | Thaumetopoea pityocampa | Pine processionary moth | Delta, Funnel |
ΤinBis | Tineola biseliella | Webbing clothes moth | Delta |
TPA | Ceratitis cosyra | (PARAPHEROMONE) Mango fruit fly | McPhail, Smart trap |
TRI | Ceratitis capitata | (PARAPHEROMONE) Mediterranean fruit fly | McPhail, Smart trap |
TriSpp | Tribolium spp. | Flour beetle | |
TriPlu | Trichoplusia ni | Cabbage looper | Delta |
TroGra | Trogoderma granarium | Khapra beetle | |
YpoMal | Yponomeuta malinellus | Apple ermine moth | Delta |
YpoPad | Yponomeuta padellus | Plum small ermine moth | Delta |
ZeuPyr | Zeuzera pyrina | Leopard moth | Funnel |